Career Exploration


Reach your dream career with Career Explorer 

The Career Explorer tool in Pure Michigan Talent Connect provides you with personalized career and education data tailored to your individual needs. Career Explorer leverages job postings from PMTC, as well as training and education from Michigan Training Connect and Pathfinder. The result is one tool with multiple sources of workforce, training and education data.

When you access the Career Explorer tool through Pure Michigan Talent Connect you will be provided with local labor market and training information to help you identify training and employment recommendations.

The Career Explorer tool looks at:

  • Your previous work experience
  • Job postings relevant to you
  • Comparisons to other and your past jobs
  • Employment and educational opportunities applicable to you

You can access the Career Explorer tool by logging into your Pure Michigan Talent Connect account or creating a free account through the SIGN IN or CREATE ACCOUNT buttons at the top of this page.

Get Career Explorer Tool User Guide

Michigan Training Connect (MiTC)

education training and development

As you begin your search for the right training, Michigan Training Connect (MiTC) can assist you in making knowledgeable decisions concerning your professional future and career.

For Students, Parents, and Guidance Counselors.

Get more information →


Michigan's Hot 50 Jobs

Michigan's Hot 50 Jobs Brochure CoverThis publication highlights Michigan’s high-demand, high-wage careers that show a favorable mix of projected long-term job growth, projected annual job openings, and median wages through 2032. It is intended to provide valuable career information to students in high school, vocational and community colleges as well as jobseekers. Additional occupational forecasts and research are available in Michigan's Online Job Demand, a publication from Michigan's Labor Market Information website.

Read the Michigan's Hot 50 Jobs report

Download all your Career Exploration and Awareness tools today! →
This toolkit includes a variety of materials that you can use to help your audiences determine the best path to a career and even fuel their imaginations for Career Exploration and Awareness.


  • Explore careers, schools & programs in Michigan
  • Create a roadmap to your future

Visit Pathfinder today →

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MI Student Aid

Let us help you with funding, tools, and resources on how you can afford college in Michigan!

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What do you want to do for a living?

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Get more with Michigan Works!

Get connected to more resources through your local Michigan Works! Service Center, a proud partner of the American Job Center network.

Visit Michigan Works! →

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Learning Express Library

Tools that provide resources to help you succeed, including practice tests, tutorials, skill-building courses and eBooks.

Michigan eLibrary →

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Michigan's Career Outlook

Michigan's Career Outlook through 2032 report cover.

This publication provides multiple lists of in-demand occupations through 2032 by education and training requirements and highlights the most in-demand STEM occupations.

Read the report →